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As members of faculty and staff of the University of Oxford, we stand firmly in support of the members of the university community who have begun an encampment outside the Pitt Rivers Museum to demand that the university divest from Israel’s genocide in Gaza, as well as from Israel’s ongoing apartheid regime against Palestinians and its settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Our students have demanded that the university call for an unconditional and immediate ceasefire, condemn the destruction of all of Gaza’s universities by Israel’s bombardment in the last six months, and commit concrete resources both to support Palestinian scholars’ education and to rebuild Gaza’s destroyed institutions of higher education. These sentiments have also been echoed in statements that members of Oxford’s community have initiated or signed, particularly the letter from the Scholars for Palestine group, which is led by Palestinian scholars in the UK.

The present situation in Gaza is catastrophic; the International Court of Justice has characterised it as plausibly amounting to genocide. We consider our students’ demands entirely reasonable given the University of Oxford’s commitment to global leadership in education and to furthering educational opportunities internationally. The University has called for the release of the Israeli hostages and for an end to the ongoing violence in Gaza. We further call for the release of Palestinian prisoners held under administrative detention in Israeli prisons, many of them arrested as children. We also ask the University itself to take a number of other urgent measures.

Currently, Oxford holds a policy of no direct investment in arms. We join our students in asking that the university review its ethical investment policy to explicitly restrict all investment – direct or indirect – in arms, weapons, and other instruments of war. To this end, we ask that the University instruct Oxford University Endowment Management to make available the granular detail of any investment in portfolios that may include arms investment, or investment in other instruments of war such as warplanes, so that we can have an open discussion on this issue with all the facts in hand. We also ask that the Vice Chancellor unequivocally condemn the killing of over a hundred university professors and Israel’s destruction of Gaza’s educational institutions and archives. Finally, we ask that the university immediately commit resources to (a) creating opportunities for Palestinian scholars to access library resources and educational support online so that they can continue their learning and to (b) rebuilding Gaza’s universities.

We see the encampment in solidarity with Gaza, in the words of Professor David Ludden, as “a public-facing global education project”. We hope that the university’s leadership will treat this political expression as the opportunity for dialogue that it is.

This is a statement from the undersigned faculty and staff at the University of Oxford, and does not set out to represent the views of the participants of the encampment.

To see the original letter which has even more signatories, click HERE

  1. Walter Armbrust, Professor of Modern Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
  2. Robert Gildea, Emeritus Professor of Modern History
  3. Karma Nabulsi, Professor Emerita and Senior Research Fellow, St Edmund Hall
  4. Sudhir Hazareesingh, Fellow in Politics, Balliol College
  5. Avi Shlaim, Emeritus Fellow of St Antony’s College and former Professor of International Relations
  6. Neta C Crawford, Montague Burton Professor of International Relations and Fellow of the British Academy
  7. Arathi Sriprakash, Professor of Sociology and Education
  8. James McDougall, Professor of Modern and Contemporary History
  9. Wes Williams, Professor of French
  10. Patricia Owens, Professor of International Relations
  11. Nikita Sud, Professor of the Politics of Development, Oxford Department of International Development and Wolfson College
  12. Bernard Sufrin, Emeritus Fellow, Worcester College and Department of Computer Science
  13. Marilyn Booth, Emerita Khalid Bin Abdallah Al Saud Professor for the Study of the Contemporary Arab World, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
  14. Pablo Mukherjee, Professor of Anglophone World-Literature, Faculty of English
  15. Sneha Krishnan, Associate Professor in Human Geography
  16. Dario Carugo, Associate Professor, Medical Sciences Division
  17. Debbie Hopkins, Associate Professor in Human Geography
  18. Sophie Smith, Associate Professor of Political Theory
  19. Meera Sabaratnam, Associate Professor of International Relations
  20. Jeanne Morefield, Associate Professor of Political Theory
  21. Nayanika Mathur, Professor of Anthropology and South Asian Studies, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
  22. Katherine Ibbett, Professor of French
  23. Amia Srinivasan, Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory
  24. Daniela Dover, Associate Professor of Philosophy
  25. Kate Tunstall, Professor of French
  26. Faisal Devji, Professor of Indian History
  27. Jocelyn Alexander, Professor of Commonwealth Studies
  28. Simukai Chigudu, Associate Professor of African Politics
  29. Maryam Alamzadeh, Associate Professor, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
  30. Raihan Ismail, His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
  31. Barbara Harriss-White, Emeritus Professor of Development Studies
  32. Paul Dresch, Emeritus Fellow of St John’s College, Oxford
  33. Morgan Clarke, Professor of Social Anthropology, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
  34. Roxana Banu, Associate Professor and Tutorial Fellow, Lady Margaret Hall and the Faculty of Law
  35. Leila Ullrich, Associate Professor of Criminology
  36. Stuart White, Associate Professor in Politics
  37. Chihab El Khachab, Associate Professor in Visual Anthropology, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
  38. Ian Klinke, Associate Professor in Human Geography
  39. Patrick McGuinness, Professor of French and Comparative Literature
  40. Amanda Power, Associate Professor of Medieval History
  41. Jeremy Johns, Emeritus Professor of the Art and Archaeology of the Islamic Mediterranean
  42. Gillian Rose, Professor of Human Geography
  43. Zeynep Yurekli, Associate Professor of Islamic Art and Architecture, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
  44. Danny Dorling, Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography
  45. Federica Genovese, Professor of Political Science and International Relations and Fellow at St Antony’s
  46. Alain George, I.M. Pei Professor of Islamic Art and Architecture
  47. Naomi Waltham-Smith, Professor of Music and Douglas Algar Tutorial Fellow, Merton College
  48. Heath Rose, Professor of Applied Linguistics
  49. Mohamed-Salah Omri, Professor, Faculty of Asian and Middle East Studies
  50. Laura Fortunato, Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology, Institute of Human Sciences & Magdalen College
  51. Asli Niyazioglu, Associate Professor of Ottoman History
  52. Thomas Puschel Associate Professor in Evolutionary Anthropology
  53. Jennifer Lauren Martin, Senior Tutor, Ruskin School of Art
  54. Madhavi Krishnan, Professor of Physical Chemistry
  55. Emily Jones, Associate Professor, Blavatnik School of Government
  56. Katharine Burn, Associate Professor of Education
  57. Shankar Srinivas, Professor of Developmental Biology
  58. Mina Fazel, Professor of Adolescent Psychiatry
  59. Laura Stevens, Associate Professor of Climate, Department of Earth Sciences
  60. Patricia Thornton, Associate Professor in Politics
  61. Tim Schwanen, Professor of Transport Geography, Transport Studies Unit
  62. Reuben Binns, Associate Professor, Computer Science
  63. Rachel Murphy, Professor of Chinese Development and Society
  64. Maria Midra, Professor of Global History
  65. Filippo de Vivo, Professor of Early Modern History
  66. Laura Ashe, Professor of English Literature
  67. Faridah Zaman, Associate Professor of the History of Britain and the World
  68. Katrin Mueller-Johnson, Associate Professor of Criminology
  69. Tahera Qutbuddin, AlBabtain Laudian Professor of Arabic, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
  70. Steve Puttick, Associate Professor of Teacher Education
  71. Jennie Middleton, Associate Professor in Human Geography
  72. Fiona McConnell, Professor of Political Geography
  73. Nihan Akyelken, Associate Professor of Sustainable Urban Development
  74. Marc Mulholland, Professor of Modern History
  75. Kate Sullivan de Estrada, Associate Professor in the International Relations of South Asia
  76. Catherine Pope, Professor of Medical Sociology, NDPCHS
  77. Amiya Bhatia, Associate Professor, Department of Social Policy and Intervention
  78. Adeel Malik, Associate Professor of Development Economics
  79. Jeff McMahan, Sekyra and White’s Professor of Moral Philosophy
  80. Marina Jirotka, Professor of Human Centred Computing
  81. Catherine Briddick, Associate Professor of International Human Rights and Refugee Law
  82. Leigh A. Payne, Professor of Sociology and Latin America
  83. Elizabeth Ewart, Associate Professor of Anthropology of Lowland South America
  84. Zuzanna Olszewska, Associate Professor in the Social Anthropology of the Middle East
  85. Nikolaj Lubecker, Professor of French and Film Studies
  86. Fernanda Pirie, Professor of the Anthropology of Law
  87. Thomas Cousins, Associate Professor, Anthropology
  88. David Bannerman, the Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience
  89. Heather Viles, Professor of Biogeomorphology and Heritage Conservation
  90. Katherine Paugh, Associate Professor, Department of History
  91. Amber Murrey, Associate Professor in Human Geography
  92. Katherine Lebow, Associate Professor of History
  93. Emma Bond, Professor of Italian and Comparative Studies
  94. Alex Vasudevan, Associate Professor in Human Geography
  95. Matthew Kerry, Associate Professor, Faculty of History
  96. Ben Sheldon, Professor, Department of Biology
  97. Idalina Baptista, Associate Professor in Urban Anthropology
  98. Lys Alcayna-Stevens, Associate Professor of Medical Anthropology, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
  99. Miles Tendi, Associate Professor of Politics
  100. Christian Brand, Professor of Transport Energy and Climate Change
  101. Derek McCormack, Professor of Cultural Geography
  102. Laurence Dreyfus, Professor Emeritus of Music
  103. Ariel Lindorff, Associate Professor of Education
  104. William Ghosh, Associate Professor of English
  105. David Alonso, Associate Professor of Cosmology, Department of Physics
  106. Hannah Skoda, Associate Professor in History
  107. Timothy Michael, Associate Professor of English Literature and Language
  108. Josephine Quinn, Professor of Ancient History
  109. David Pratten, Associate Professor in the Social Anthropology of Africa
  110. Ian Loader, Professor of Criminology, Faculty of Law
  111. Mike Searle, Professor of Earth Sciences
  112. David Rueda, Professor of Comparative Politics
  113. Nathaniel Lane, Associate Professor in Economics
  114. Annie Sutherland, Professor of Literature
  115. Raphaele Garrod, Associate Professor of French
  116. Nicholas Stargardt, Professor of Modern European History
  117. Eugene Rogan, Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History
  118. Pamela Clemit, Professor and Supernumerary Fellow, Wolfson College
  119. Paul Betts, Professor of Modern History
  120. Yasmin Khan, Associate Professor History
  121. Aaron Reeves, Professor of Sociology and Social Policy
  122. Gascia Ouzounian, Associate Professor of Music. Fellow and Tutor in Music at Lady Margaret Hall
  123. Samantha Sebastian Dieckmann, Associate Professor of Music
  124. Georgios Baskozos, Associate Professor, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences
  125. Lois McNay, Professor of Political Theory
  126. Michael Obersteiner, Professor of Global Change and Sustainability
  127. Lucy Bowes, Professor of Developmental Psychopathology
  128. Yadvinder Malhi, Professor of Ecosystem Science, School of Geography and the Environment
  129. Clare Harris, Professor of Visual Anthropology, School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography
  130. Geoffrey Batchen, Professor, History of Art
  131. Avner Offer, Chichele Professor Emeritus of Economic History
  132. John Broome, Emeritus White’s Professor of Moral Philosophy
  133. Anne Deighton, Emeritus Professor of European International Politics
  134. Dawn Chatty, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology and Forced Migration
  135. Sabina Lovibond, Emeritus Fellow of Worcester College, Philosophy
  136. Robin Cohen, Emeritus Professor of Development Studies
  137. Graeme Segal, Emeritus Senior Research Fellow in Mathematics, All Souls College
  138. Richard Gombrich, Emeritus Boden Professor of Sanskrit
  139. Stephen Williams, Emeritus Fellow, Worcester College, Oxford
  140. Marina Warner, Distinguished Fellow All Souls College
  141. William Dalrymple, Visiting Fellow, All Souls College
  142. Helen Salisbury, Senior Medical Education Fellow, Nuffield Dept of Primary Care Health Sciences
  143. David Chivall, School of Archaeology
  144. Amogh Dhar Sharma, Departmental Lecturer, Oxford Department of International Development
  145. Ana Valdivia, Departmental Research Lecturer in AI, Government and Policy, Oxford Internet Institute
  146. Dylan Carver, Departmental Lecturer in English
  147. Alexis McGivern, Net Zero Standards Manager, School of Geography and the Environment
  148. Catherine Sloan, Hertford College
  149. Henry Clements, Faculty of History
  150. Aliya Khalid, Senior Departmental Lecturer in Comparative and International Education
  151. Sara Hijazi, Blaschko Fellow, Department of Pharmacology
  152. Hashem Abushama, Departmental Lecturer, School of Geography and the Environment
  153. Jack Doyle, Faculty of History
  154. Mobeen Hussain, Junior Research Fellow, University College
  155. Ankita Pandey, Departmental Lecturer, Modern South Asian Studies
  156. Rowan Wilson, DPhil Student and Tutor, English Faculty
  157. Emily Dyson, DPIR Political Theory DPhil and Graduate Teaching Assistant
  158. Carina Uchida, DPhil Candidate and Tutor, Department of Politics and International Relations
  159. Kaya Axelsson, Head of Policy and Partnerships, Oxford Net Zero, School of Geography and the Environment
  160. Nicola Stevens, Trapnell Research Fellow in African Environments, Environmental Change Institute
  161. Camilla Hyslop, Net Zero Tracker Data Lead, Oxford Net Zero, School of Geography and the Environment
  162. Matilda Becker, Strategic Partnerships Manager, Oxford Net Zero, School of Geography and the Environment
  163. Rebecca Berrens, Sir Henry Wellcome Fellow, Department of Pediatrics
  164. Samira Barzin, Senior Researcher, Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography and the Environment Change Institute
  165. Kaveri Medappa, Postdoctoral Researcher in Human Geography, Department of Continuing Education
  166. Kerry-Anne Grey, Project Assistant to the Ecosystems Lab, ECI, SoGE
  167. Orlando Lazar, Early Career Research and Teaching Fellow in Politics, St Edmund Hall
  168. Michael Mayo, Worcester College
  169. Thiruni Kelegama, Departmental Lecturer in Modern South Asian Studies
  170. Hugh Nankervis, Postdoctoral Researcher in Microbiology
  171. Dorothee Boulanger, Career Development Fellow in Women’s and Gender Studies
  172. Ross Moncrieff, DPhil Student and Examination Fellow, All Souls College
  173. Pelagia Goulimari, Co-director, MSt in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
  174. Neeraj Shetye, Partnerships and Communications Manager, Oxford India Centre for Sustainable Development
  175. Aradhana Cherupara Vadekkethil, Early Career Fellow in Law, Somerville College
  176. Thirza Wakefield, Rosemary Pountney Research Fellow, St Anne’s College
  177. Alice Willatt, Research Fellow
  178. Bee Jones, DPhil Candidate and Tutor
  179. Marta Zboralska, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Ruskin School of Art
  180. Jamie Linsley-Parrish DPhil Candidate and Research Assistant, School of Geography and the Environment
  181. Simon Gilbert, Nuffield department of population health
  182. Timothy LaRock, Postdoc; President of Oxford UCU
  183. Daniella Lock, Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Law
  184. Katie Higgins, Research Fellow
  185. Ammar Azzouz, British Academy Research Fellow
  186. Pratinav Anil, Lecturer in History at St Edmund Hall
  187. Eve Ess, Departmental Lecturer, Ruskin School of Art
  188. Raúl Zepeda Gil, Departamental Lecturer in Development Studies
  189. Uttara Shahani, Departmental Lecturer
  190. Catherine Phipps, Postdoctoral Associate Member
  191. Nadia Jamil, Senior Researcher
  192. Jade de Montserrat, Senior Ruskin Tutor
  193. Lucia Akard, College Lecturer in Medieval History, Oriel College, Oxford
  194. Adrita Mitra, DPhil student and Tutor
  195. Maryanne Saunders, Career Development Fellow
  196. Anton Jäger, Departmental Lecturer in Political Theory
  197. Gaurav Mittal, Researcher in Mobility Governance
  198. Felicity Leary, Department of International Development
  199. Lillian Fontaine, DPhil Francophone Postcolonial Studies, Stipendiary Lecturer
  200. Mai Musie, Project Manager, TORCH
  201. David Kampmann, Career Development Fellow, Oxford Sustainable Finance Group, School of Geography and the Environment
  202. Chambrez-Zita Zauchenberger, Clinical Researcher, Department of Psychiatry
  203. Elly Walters, DPhil Candidate and Tutor
  204. Laura Trajber Waisbich, Departmental Lecturer, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies
  205. Umme Hani Imani, Project Assistant
  206. Sarah Duffy, DPhil Student and Lecturer in Economics
  207. Gabrielle Beckley, Development and Data Officer
  208. Helen Flatley Departmental Lecturer in Medieval History
  209. Yasser Kureshi Departmental Lecturer
  210. Denat Negatu, Research Assistant
  211. Alexandra Hardwick, Stipendiary Lecturer in Classics, Corpus Christi College and Balliol College
  212. Victoria Roskams, Faculty of English Language and Literature
  213. Jessica Thompson, Postdoc, Experimental Psychology
  214. Zeinab Azarbadegan, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow
  215. Umberto Bongianino, Departmental Lecturer in Islamic Art and Architecture
  216. Helidah Ogude-Chambert, Lecturer, Migration & Development
  217. Adrian Kreutz, Lecturer Philosophy of Social Science, Lincoln College
  218. Yassamine Mather, Staff, Advanced Research Computing
  219. Andonis Marden, Director of Refugee Scholarships and Partnerships
  220. Ghazal Salehi, Programme Manager at the Department of International Development
  221. Mar A Rodda, Career Development Fellow, Merton College
  222. Daniel Cullen, Researcher, Centre for Criminology
  223. Roba AlSalibi, Postdoctoral researcher
  224. Rosalie Allain, Early Career Departmental Lecturer in Social Anthropology
  225. Luisa Ostacchini, College Lecturer
  226. Mori Reithmayr, Postdoctoral Fellow, Rothermere American Institute
  227. Mihail Chiru, Departmental Lecturer in Politics
  228. Urvi Khaitan, Postdoctoral Research Associate, History Faculty
  229. Danica Sims, Senior lecturer
  230. Joseph da Costa, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
  231. Lia Brazil, Research fellow, Nuffield College
  232. Neil Ketchley, Fellow of St Antony’s College
  233. Ben Gowland, Departmental Lecturer, School of Geography and the Environment
  234. Tinashe Mushakavanhu Junior Research Fellow
  235. Elizabeth Murphy, University Administration Service
  236. Alejandro Posada Tellez, DPhil candidate (St. Antony’s College) and Tutor in International Relations (Merton College and Jesus College)
  237. Joe Boyle, Research and Teaching Assistant, School of Geography and the Environment
  238. Alyssa Ollivier-Tabukashvili DPhil Student and Tutor, English and French
  239. Lucy Radford, Research Facilitator in Biology
  240. Amal Chatterjee, Senior Course Tutor, MSt in Creative Writing
  241. Faidra Faitaki, Departmental Lecturer in Applied Linguistics
  242. Mathilde Pascal, Project Co-ordinator
  243. Alison Roberts, Assistant Keeper for European Prehistory Collections, Ashmolean Museum
  244. Eleanor Newman, DPhil student and tutor, Faculty of Classics
  245. Alae Baha, Postdoctoral researcher
  246. Jasper Friedrich, Teaching Associate, Blavatnik School of Government
  247. Jad Moawad, Postdoctoral Researcher
  248. Ana Castaño Arques, Senior Lecturer in Spanish
  249. Josefina Jaureguiberry, DPhil Student and Tutor, School of Geography and the Environment
  250. Madeline Reinecke, Postdoctoral Researcher
  251. Tobias Hector, Postdoctoral Researcher
  252. Anthony Calacino, Postdoctoral Researcher
  253. Tessa Reardon, Research Fellow
  254. Michael Sackur, DPhil Student and Graduate Teaching Assistant
  255. Conrad Steel, Career Development Fellow, English
  256. Anna Plyushteva, Departmental Research Lecturer
  257. Miriam Driessen, Departmental Lecturer in Social Anthropology
  258. Janet McKnight, IT Services
  259. Heather Barr, Library Assistant, St Edmund Hall
  260. Emily Stott Coordinator, Nature Positive Universities, Department of Biology
  261. Caroline Jane Walsh, Communications Officer at the Department of Statistics
  262. William Fleming, Research Fellow
  263. Georgia Nasseh, Departmental Lecturer in Brazilian and African Portuguese
  264. Minna Jeffery, Junior Research Fellow
  265. Joseph Hankinson, Lecturer in English
  266. Heather Saunders, Head of Outreach, Entrepreneurship Centre – Saïd Business School
  267. Enrico Benassi, DPhil Student and Tutor
  268. Tomoko Watanabe, Postdoctoral researcher
  269. Freya Marshall Payne, History tutor and doctoral candidate in the Department of Education
  270. Eleni Methymaki, DPhil in Law candidate and Tutor in international law, Faculty of Law
  271. Murad Banaji, Departmental lecturer, Mathematics
  272. Ed Penington, Researcher in Health Economics, Department of Psychiatry
  273. Mirela Zaneva, Junior Research Fellow
  274. Tsvetomira Dumbalska, Stipendiary lecturer and postdoctoral researcher
  275. Benjamin Goodair, Postdoctoral researcher
  276. Ruth Nyabuto, Academic Manager, Refugee-Led Research Hub
  277. Susann Kassem, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
  278. Ẹniọlá Ànúolúwapọ́ Ṣóyẹmí, Senior Research Fellow, Blavatnik Schol of Government
  279. Amalia Rusei, Marketing and Campaigns Manager, Blavatnik School of Government
  280. Chloe Ellison, Research Assistant, Biology
  281. Róisín Maire Taylor, Research and Evaluation Officer, DSPI
  282. Katerina Nordin, Project Coordinator
  283. Azim Ansari, Research Fellow
  284. Penny Cartwright, Early Career Fellow in English Literature
  285. Talha J. Pirzada, Lecturer in Materials Science, Junior Research Fellow at Lady Margaret Hall
  286. Deanna Giraldi, DPhil Candidate & Tutor of PPE
  287. Pranav Prakash, Junior Research Fellow, Christ Church, University of Oxford
  288. Eleonora Colli, Phd Student and Tutor
  289. Miranda Lewis, Editor, Faculty of History
  290. Charlotte Ross, Library Supervisor, Bodleian Libraries & DPhil student, Faculty of English
  291. Teresa Barucci, Junior Research Fellow in History
  292. Dagmar Hopfenbeck, DPhil student in Economics and Tutor at Magdalen College
  293. Abrar Chaudhury, Senior Research Fellow, Saïd Business School
  294. Ugo Mondini, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow
  295. Samuel Wainwright, DPhil Candidate and Tutor
  296. Jamie Edwards, DPhil Student and Tutor
  297. Alexandra Grieve, Junior Research Fellow in Modern Languages
  298. Abhishodh Prakash, Postdoctoral researcher
  299. Jaleed Khan, Postdoctoral Researcher
  300. Vernal Scott, Head of Equality Diversity & Inclusion Team
  301. Usaama al-Azami, Associate Faculty Member, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
  302. Alexander Aston, Postdoctoral Researcher in Archaeology
  303. Madelon de Jong, Clinician-scientist
  304. Jackie van Dael, Postdoctoral researcher
  305. Marko Ilic, Departmental Lecturer, History of Art
  306. Femke Vulto, DPhil Student Anthropology and Tutor
  307. Sam Press, IT Services
  308. Daniel Burt, ICT Officer
  309. Mallica Kumbera Landrus, Keeper of Eastern Art
  310. Vladimir Bortun, Postdoctoral Fellow, DSPI
  311. Ellen Dyer, Senior Research Associate in African Climate Science
  312. Davide Spriano, Junior Research Fellow, Christ Church, University of Oxford
  313. Katie Noble, Visiting Student Tutor and Academic Administrative Officer
  314. Miriam Rothenberg, Junior Research Fellow
  315. Alejandra Crosta, Lecturer in Spanish
  316. Rod Chalk, Head of Mass Spectrometry, Centre for Medicines Discovery
  317. David Barnes, Departmental Lecturer in English Literature
  318. Christine Bunyan, Graduate Studies Manager, Oxford Internet Institute
  319. Paola Esposito, Departmental Lecturer, School of Anthropology & Museum Ethnography
  320. Joseph Leidy, Research Associate, Faculty of History
  321. Marya Hillesland, Research Officer, Oxford Department of International Development
  322. Chloe Pieters, Stipendiary Lecturer in Modern British and European History (Exeter College)
  323. Marina Korzenevica, Researcher
  324. Tanvi Rai, Senior Researcher
  325. Aleksandra Murawska, Nuffield Department of Population Health
  326. Wulan Pusparini, DPhil student/researcher and tutor
  327. Christy Wensley, Early Career Fellow, Faculty of English
  328. Siobhan Tobin, DPhil candidate and lab technician, Department of Physics
  329. Alex Manby, Departmental Lecturer in Geography
  330. Kate Kwok, Administrator
  331. Uttara Narayan, Researcher, Racial Justice & Energy Demand
  332. Nora Khayi, Librarian
  333. Maureen Schoenfeld Promotion and Finance Assistant, Forced Migration Review
  334. Alex Aylward, Departmental Lecturer in History of Science
  335. Muhammad Abubakr, Visiting Fellow
  336. Natasha Treunen, Programme Coordinator
  337. Fandi Achmad, DPhil student and Graduate Teaching Assistant
  338. Jessica A Fernandez De Lara Harada, History Faculty
  339. Claire Qu, DPhil candidate and Tutor
  340. Arfa Mirza, Communication Officer, Food Group, ECI
  341. Susannah Fleming, Senior Quantitative Researcher
  342. Angela Soasti Pozo, ECI Office Coordinator, School of Geography and the Environment
  343. Maria Paula Prates, Departmental Lecturer in Medical Anthropology
  344. Niko Munz, Junior Research Fellow
  345. Sam Fisher, DPhil student and tutor
  346. Hamza Waseem, DPhil Student and Tutor at Mathematical Institute
  347. Hermán Chávez, Research Assistant, Medieval and Modern Languages
  348. Lauren Burgeno, Postdoctoral Research Fellow & College Lecturer at Balliol College
  349. Zakiyya Adam, Research Associate
  350. Jemima Roberts, Programme Data Co-ordinator, NPEU
  351. Shifaan Thowfeequ, Researcher in Developmental Biology
  352. Pilar Elizalde, Departmental Lecturer in Law and Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Government
  353. Rachel Pimm Artist in Residence, St Johns College
  354. Felicity Hudson, Research Assistant in the Experimental Psychology Department
  355. Tiril H. Rahn, DPhil Student and Tutor, International Relations
  356. Jennifer Oliver, Stipendiary Lecturer in French
  357. Sumner Braund, Curator of Founding Collections, History of Science Museum
  358. Laura Turpin, Research Assistant
  359. Lucia Cernadas, Lecturer in Galician and Spanish, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages
  360. Shivani Arulalan Pillai, DPhil Candidate & Tutor
  361. Claire Stewart-Hall, Research Fellow
  362. Andreas Vassiliou, Lecturer, The Queen’s College
  363. Bethan Nichol, Post Doctoral Researcher, Physics Department
  364. Sheryn Simpson, Research Contracts Specialist
  365. Sammi Chekroud, Postdoctoral Research Scientist and Tutor in Experimental Psychology
  366. Kiki Cano-Gamez, Postdoctoral Researcher
  367. Nicholas Dickinson, Bingham Fellow in Constitutional Studies, Balliol College
  368. Manus O’Dwyer, Departmental Lecturer in Spanish
  369. Maite Lopez, Research assistant
  370. Alberica Bazzoni, Honorary Research Fellow
  371. Imen Hammami, Senior Statistician, Lecturer in Statistics
  372. Ellie Birch, DPhil Candidate and Tutor
  373. Memoona Ahmed, Research Assistant, Department of Experimental Psychology
  374. Savannah Phillips, School Liaison and Access Officer, University College
  375. Joel Butler, Access Officer
  376. Joanne McEwan, Research Nurse, Oxford School of Public Health
  377. Gordon Reavley Tutor, History of Art, Department of Continuing Education
  378. Barbora Sojkova, Reader Services Librarian, All Souls College / Project Sanskrit Manuscript Cataloguer, Bodleian Library
  379. Lara Sousa, Researcher
  380. Rachel Clack, Research Assistant, Nuffield Department of Population Health
  381. Alison Ray, Archivist, St Peter’s College
  382. Emily Craven, HR & Academic Assistant
  383. Lila Stewart-Roberts, Research Assistant, Biology
  384. Matan Mazor, Post-doctoral research fellow
  385. Juliet Brown, Principal Library Assistant, Bodleian Libraries
  386. Liam Johnston-McCondach, DPhil student and Tutor
  387. Jack Kelly, Darby Fellow in Pure Mathematics
  388. Abhi Banerjee, Principal Investigator, Adaptive Decisions Lab
  389. Sinziana Ioana Oncioiu, Postdoctoral Fellow
  390. Massimiliano Runfola, MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow
  391. Michele Bavaro, Post-doctoral research officer
  392. Hiba Salem, Research Associate
  393. Selçuk Bedük, Departmental Lecturer, Department of Social Policy and Intervention
  394. Eloise Lee, Access & Outreach Lead
  395. Tanuj Luthra, DPhil Candidate and Tutor, Anthropology
  396. Carlos Núñez, Departmental Lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy
  397. Zoë Jennings, DPhil student and tutor
  398. Georgie Fooks, DPhil student in Spanish and lecturer (Trinity / St Catz)
  399. William Thompson, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Biology
  400. Roger Nascimento, International Health, Nuffield Department of Medicine
  401. Eleri Watson, Tutor in English and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  402. Joseph Mason, Junior Research Fellow, New College
  403. Alex Clark, Honorary Research Associate
  404. Anna Sanders, Programme Director
  405. Leonie Glitz, Postdoctoral researcher
  406. Lauren Hammond, Departmental Lecturer in Geography Education
  407. Juliana Vélez-Echeverri, Research Associate in Climate Greenwashing Litigation
  408. Peter Franklin Routh, Head of Administration and Finance, Oxford Department of International Development
  409. Charles Ough, Senior Library Assistant, Bodleian Old Library
  410. Lucy Radley, Research Assistant
  411. Melissa Felipe Cadillo, Programme Coordinator of Biodiversity & Society, Department of Biology
  412. Helen Dallas, Lecturer in English
  413. Barbara Posner, Bodleian Libraries
  414. Katherine Day, Senior Library Assistant, English Faculty Library
  415. Aura Raulo, Postdoctoral Researcher
  416. Ellie Whittingdale, Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Law
  417. Elizabeth Dawson, Development Officer
  418. Jemima Hegerty-Ward, Senior Development Officer, Lady Margaret Hall
  419. Alex Gunn, DPhil candidate and Tutor
  420. Clare Burgess, DPhil student and Tutor
  421. Oğuz Alyanak, Postdoctoral Researcher
  422. Georgina Moore, Bodleian Libraries
  423. Natasha Gasparian, DPhil candidate, Ruskin School of Art; Lecturer, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
  424. Sophie Lay, Senior Library Assistant, Bodleian Libraries
  425. Gloria Morey-Picking, Graduate Associate in Development
  426. Ruth Allen, Library Assistant, Bodleian Law Library
  427. Jason Todd, Senior Departmental Lecturer.
  428. Shona Minson, Research Fellow, Centre for Criminology
  429. Annabel Harris, Documentary Editor at the Quill Project, Pembroke College
  430. Hisham Ali, DPhil Tutor
  431. Evie Sutcliffe, Schools Liaison Officer
  432. Emilie Vrain, Research Fellow, Environmental Change Institute
  433. Eponine Wong, Academic Services Administrator, University College
  434. Lyn Kouadio, Junior Research Fellow University College
  435. Leona Stewart, Deputy Librarian
  436. Saskia Nowicki, Research Associate
  437. Juliet Addenbrooke, Administrator
  438. Andrea Estandia, Postdoctoral Researcher
  439. Ashley Kamimae-Lanning, Postdoctoral Researcher
  440. Lawrence Alexander, Leverhulme Early-Career Research Fellow, Ruskin School of Art
  441. Sally Pelling-Deeves, Research Facilitator
  442. Sara Almohamadi, DPhil in Criminology and Tutor at Worcester College
  443. Emily Di Dodo, Departmental Lecturer, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages
  444. Ellie Whittingdale, Postdoctoral Researcher
  445. Johanna Gosse Terra Foundation for American Art Visiting Professor in the Department of History of Art
  446. Jack Nunn, DPhil Candidate and Tutor
  447. Molly Lockwood, Outreach Officer
  448. Patrick Alexander, Lecturer in Social Anthropology
  449. Elena Pierard, Research Fellow in energy and transport decarbonisation
  450. Jose Maria Valenzuela, Senior Research Fellow
  451. Jennifer Opare-Kumi, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Blavatnik School of Government
  452. Jenny Shaw, Schools Liaison and Access Officer
  453. Alessio Bertolini, Postdoctoral researcher
  454. Sean Wyer, Lecturer
  455. Lola Brittain, Research Assistant, Fairwork, Oxford Internet Institute
  456. Stephanie Titus-Stedman, Recruitment and Admissions Advisor
  457. Miguel Moctezuma, Coordinator, Global Security Programme
  458. Joe O’Connor, Academic Administrator, Humanities Division
  459. Lydia Wright, Subject Librarian (Middle Eastern and Islamic Collections)
  460. Heather Waller, Administrator
  461. Fabian Helmrich, Stipendiary Lecturer in Linguistics at LMH
  462. Niamh Scully, Academic Officer
  463. Richard Sykes, Administrator
  464. Monica Gujral, Communications Officer, Department of Biology
  465. Tanya Gujral, Programme Manager, Doctoral Training Centre
  466. Hannah Fair, Departmental Lecturer in Human Geography
  467. Giovanna Gini, Postdoctoral Fellow
  468. Sarah Arkle, Library worker
  469. Katia Sanchez Ortiz, Postdoctoral researcher
  470. Luciana Gneo, Postdoctoral researcher in Cancer Genomic and Immunology
  471. Bayan Haddad, George Antonius Birzeit Visiting Fellow
  472. Nikki Tomkins, Senior Conservator
  473. Owen McKnight, College Librarian, Jesus College
  474. Barbara Zonta, Course Director
  475. Jonathon Turnbull, Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Geography and the Environment and Junior Research Fellow, Jesus College
  476. Daniela Cazan, Marketing Officer
  477. Jacob Williams, Research assistant and DPhil student
  478. Berklee Baum, History Tutor and DPhil Student
  479. Holly Cooper, Facilitator of Race and Resistance & Research Assistant, Department of Education
  480. Matthew Lloyd, Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Department of Pharmacology)
  481. Natasha Lutz, Teaching Assistant, School of Geography and Environment
  482. Sol Sanders-Farmer, DPhil Candidate and Tutorer in Atmospheric Physics
  483. Julien Migozzi, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Geography and the Environment
  484. Anna Sapuntsova, Stipendiary Lecturer in Russian, LMH
  485. William Parry, Individual Giving Manager
  486. Carlos Tapia, IT Services
  487. Rhea Saksena, Academic Clinical Fellow
  488. Andrés González Dinamarca, DPhil student, Teaching Assistant and Tutor
  489. Micaela Canopoli, HR Assistant
  490. Colin Goad, DPhil Student and Tutor in Political Theory
  491. Alexandra Savard-Chambard, Lecturer in French
  492. George Mather, College Tutor
  493. Elizabeth Cullinane, DPhil Student and Tutor, Music
  494. Elizabeth Stubbins Bates, Subject Lead and Tutor in Law, Foundation Year
  495. Yousif M Qasmiyeh, Post-Award Member, English Faculty
  496. Tena Thau, Researcher, Faculty of Law
  497. Louise Isham, Researcher
  498. Kida Lin, Non-Stipendiary Lecturer, LMH, Lincoln, and University College
  499. Corinne Prescott, Research Facilitation Officer, Dept of Education
  500. Stephanie Perrin, Equality,Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Agile Initiative
  501. Stephen Thomas, Centre Manager for the Leverhulme Centre for Nature Recovery
  502. Chloe Louise Phillips, Pre-doctoral research fellow
  503. Emily Warner, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Biology
  504. Delphine Boagey, Communications Officer, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society
  505. Shyama Vermeersch, British Academy Postdoctoral Researcher
  506. Katharine Taylor, DPhil candidate and Tutor
  507. Tamsin Blaxter, Researcher, Environmental Change Institute
  508. Gabrielle Beckley, Development and Data Officer
  509. Heather Stallard, Communications & Events Coordinator
  510. Aislin Sheldon, Postdoctoral Researcher
  511. Giles Bergel, Senior Researcher in Digital Humanities, Department of Engineering Science
  512. Julia Gustavsson, DPhil candidate and Tutor
  513. Francesca Richards, Research Impact Facilitator, Social Sciences Division
  514. Rachna Begh, University Research Lecturer
  515. Adam Harper, Lecturer in Music
  516. Rebecca Clark, DPhil student and Tutor
  517. Alice Baldock, Junior Research Fellow
  518. Joana Perrone, DPhil student and Tutor
  519. Audrey Wagner, Programme Coordinator, Nature-based Solutions Initiative, Department of Biology
  520. Emily Cox, Research Associate
  521. Amr Suliman, Research Associate, Environmental Change Institute
  522. A. Freeman, Researcher, Environmental Change Institute
  523. Hester van Hensbergen, Researcher
  524. Lisa Forsberg, Research Fellow, Philosophy
  525. Tiger Hills, DPhil Student and Lecturer
  526. Jacquelyn Turner, Communications & Engagement Officer
  527. Susan Tibbles, Senior Library Assistant, Bodleian Libraries
  528. Emma Taylor, Bodleian Libraries
  529. Tom Russell, Senior Research Software Engineer, School of Geography and the Environment
  530. Hal Cooper, Research Manager, Department of Social Policy and Intervention
  531. Paola Quevedo, Communications Assistant, Medical Science Division
  532. Morgan Wilkinson, Assistant Librarian (Digital Resources), All Souls College
  533. Elena Trowsdale, College Staff at All Souls College (Graduate Library Trainee)
  534. Ellen Sharman, DPhil student and Tutor, History Faculty
  535. Rocco Zizzamia, Post-doctoral researcher (Economics & Somerville)
  536. Alison Smith, Senior Research Associate
  537. Natasha Bailey, History Tutor, Astrophoria Foundation Year
  538. Alessia Zubani, British Academy Newton International Fellow, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
  539. Bethan Winter, Lecturer in Music
  540. Bekki Tordoff, IT Officer
  541. Liam Shaw, Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Biology
  542. Nathan Grassi ,Administrator, Centre on Migration, Policy & Society (COMPAS), School of Anthropology & Museum Ethnography
  543. Owen Maroney, Departmental Lecturer, Faculty of Philosophy
  544. Billie Mitsikakos, DPhil Candidate and Tutor
  545. Julie Meikle, Communications and Events Manager
  546. Sam Faroqui, Research Assistant in Climate Greenwashing Litigation
  547. Emine Çakir, Lecturer, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
  548. Aidan Rafferty, Postdoctoral Research Associate
  549. Ahmed Tohamy, DPhil Candidate in Economics and Graduate Teaching Assistant
  550. Adham Faramawy, Senior Lecturer, Ruskin School of Art
  551. Aysha Roohi, Project Manager
  552. Matt Myers, Lecturer
  553. Catherine Meredith, Deputy Editor, Forced Migration Review
  554. Katharina Friege, Stipendiary Lecturer in History
  555. Sean Cavany, Mathematical Modeller, Nuffield Department of Medicine
  556. Miriam Austin, DPhil Student and Tutor, Ruskin School of Art
  557. Nilo Merino Recalde, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Biology
  558. Will Clement, Departmental Lecturer in Modern European History
  559. Helen Sunderland, Postdoctoral researcher
  560. Narmin Ismayilova, Visiting Research Fellow
  561. George Haggett, DPhil graduand, casual tutor in music
  562. Jacob Fisher, Language Instructor
  563. Chelsea Xiao, Research and Grants Team Administrator
  564. Priya Atwal, Community History Fellow
  565. Shreyasi Banerjee, Senior Events Coordinator
  566. Luc Rocher, Departmental Research Lecturer
  567. Rachel Piper, Community Engagement Coordinator, Research Services
  568. Jo Helme, Stipendiary Lecturer in Law, Trinity College
  569. Oliver Ready, College Lecturer
  570. Gareth Jones, Data clerk, NDORMS
  571. Dali Dunn, Laboratory technician, Dunn school of Pathology
  572. Imaan Ali, Communications Officer
  573. Arran Davis, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Human Sciences
  574. Jacob Blackmore, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Department of Physics
  575. Dori Kimel, Reader in Legal Philosophy
  576. Paul Fitchett, Prospect Research Officer, Development and Alumni Engagement
  577. Daniel Avery, Data Manager
  578. Martin King, IT Services
  579. Steve Allen, IT/AV Support
  580. Aoife Bennett, Departmental Research Lecturer in the Environmental Social Sciences
  581. Alessandra Aloisi, Lecturer in French
  582. Kat Steiner, Outreach Librarian & Library Manager, Bodleian Health Care Libraries
  583. Margaret Glogowska, Senior Researcher, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
  584. Morgan DaCosta, DPhil Student in International Relations and Graduate Teaching Assistant
  585. Andres Vazquez Brennan, DPhil candidate in Physics and Tutor
  586. Dominic Dalglish, Lecturer, Classical Archaeology & Ancient History
  587. Momo Komatsu, DPhil student in Economics and Stipendiary Lecturer in Economics at St Catherine’s College and Trinity College
  588. Lily Morris, Admissions and Outreach Officer
  589. Kevin Matlock, Postdoctoral Researcher in Student Wellbeing
  590. Astha Wagle, Research Assistant
  591. Shannon Gunawardana, Academic Clinical Fellow in Medicine and College Tutor
  592. Yusuf Tayara, DPhil and Tutor
  593. Tom Harwood, Associate Director, Environmental Change Institute
  594. Susi Taylor, Student Systems Training Manager
  595. Matthew Landrus, Supernumerary Fellow
  596. Chloë Strevens, Departmental Lecturer, School of Geography and the Environment
  597. Pete Barbrook-Johnson, Departmental Research Lecturer
  598. Adam Guy, Departmental Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary Literature
  599. Maria Tsakok, Academic Clinical Fellow
  600. Priya Manwaring, DPhil student and Tutor
  601. Lucy Leon, Researcher, Global Exchange on Migration & Diversity